Abraham S. Luchins



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Born / Geboren: 8.3.1914, Brooklyn

Died / Gestorben: 27.12.2005, Monsey, N.Y.


Known for / bekannt für:

Biographical data and sources / Biographische Daten und Quellen:

ABRAHAM S. LUCHINS, Professor emeritus of Psychology, State University of New York at Albany. He was Max Wertheimer's research assistant from 1936 to 1943. He received his B.A. from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and his M.A. from Columbia University, where he worked with Hadley Cantril. His Ph.D. is from New York University, where he worked in the Department of Experimental Pedagogy with Paul R. Radosavljviech. With Wertheimer he did research in thinking; teaching and learning, and perception and judgement, as well as in social psychology. He has taught in the W.P.A. Adult Education Project, Yeshiva University, McGill University, the Universities of Oregon and Miami, and, since 1962, at SUNY-Albany. He served in U.S. Army installations in this country and in North Africa and has set up and/or directed training programs for clinical psychologists and in group therapy at the Veterans Administration Mental Hygiene-Clinic of the New York Regional Office, at McGill University, and at the State Hospital in Salem, Oregon. He was a fellow of the Division of Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, History of Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology, as well as a member of the American Educational Research Association.

Honorary Member of the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA)
Member of the Advisory Board of Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal


Selected Publications / Ausgewählte Publikationen:

Publications available in full text via Internet / Publikationen im Internet:


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Most recent revision: 31.3.2006