Dr. Geert-Jan A. Boudewijnse

Psychologist, Montreal, Canada
Co-Editor of Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Vice Chairman of the international Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA)

GJB has taught history of psychology at McGill University and Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

In 1999 he received the 2nd price in the Wolfgang Metzger Award 1999 for his work on "The Rise and Fall of the Graz School" (published in Gestalt Theory 21 (2/1999), 140-158..

GJB was a member of the Advisory Board of Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal for several years and is an editor of this journal and member of the board of directors of the GTA (Vice Chairman) since 2005.

His main research interests are in theoretical and historical psychology.

Editor of

"Das Mentale Paradoxon - The Mental Paradox" (2006)

Vienna: Krammer (ISBN 3-901-811-21-4)
Click here for the contents of this book

His latest publications include also articles on J. Herbart's mathematical psychology and J. Macnamaras's proposals regarding the connection between logic and psychology..

Look for additional information on GJBs page on getcited.org.

Geert-Jan Boudewijnse published in Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal:


Dr. Geert-Jan A. Boudewijnse

Montreal QC, CANADA


Gestalt People


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