2016 Gestalt Anniversaries
150 years ago (1866)
- 2.3. : Kurt GRELLING (1866-1942) is born in Berlin.
130 years ago(1886)
- 18.3. : Kurt KOFFKA (1886-1941) is born in Berlin.
- 14.4. : Edward TOLMAN (1886-1959) is born in West Newton.
- 6.9. : Edgar RUBIN (1886-1951) is born.
120 years ago (1896)
- 13.1. : Ferdinand WEINHANDL (1896-1973) is born in Judenburg, Austria.
- 23.6. : E. TRAVIS LEE is born.Fritz HEIDER (1896-1988) is born in Vienna.Jean PIAGET is born.
110 years ago (1906)
- 25.1..: Molly HARROWER (1906-1999) is born in Johannesburg.
- 1.2. : Edwin RAUSCH (1906-1994) is born.
- 29.7. : Muzafer SHERIF (1906-1988) is born.
- 14.12. : Hedwig von RESTORFF (1906-1962) is born in Berlin.
- Sarah SLIOSBERG is born in Grodno (Poland).
100 years ago (1916)
- 19.2. : Ernst MACH (1838-1916) dies in Munich.
- 9.3. : Robert BALES is born.
- Max WERTHEIMER leaves Frankfurt to teach at Berlin.
90 years ago (1926)
- 24.3. : Heinz HECKHAUSEN is born.
- Kurt GOTTSCHALDTs paper on hidden figures is published ("Über den Einfluß der Erfahrung auf die Wahrnehmung von Figuren", Psychologische Forschung 8, 261-317).
- Kurt LEWINs paper on quasi-needs as determining sequences of thoughts and actions is published in Psychologische Forschung.
- Joseph TERNUS' paper on phenomenal identity is published: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen über phänomenale Identität", Psychologische Forschung 7.
- Wolfgang KÖHLER publishes "Zur Komplextheorie" (Psychologische Forschung, 8, 236-243).
80 years ago (1936)
- 31.3. : Wolfgang SCHÖNPFLUG is born.
- 7.8. : Adhèmar GELB (1887-1936) dies in Schömberg/Calw, Netherlands.
- 14.12. : Albert BREGMAN is born in Toronto.
- Max WERTHEIMER starts his series of seminars in New York at the New School for Social Research (-1941).
- Kurt LEWIN publishes "Principles of Topological Psychology" (New York and London: McGraw-Hill).
- Wolfgang METZGERs: "Gesetze des Sehens" (Laws of Seeing) appears in its first edition (Frankfurt: Kramer; 2nd ed. 1953, 3rd ed. 1975).
- Junius F. BROWN publishes "Psychology and the Social Order".
70 years ago (1946)
- Albert MICHOTTE publishes "La perception de la causalité" (Louvain: Editions de l'Institut supérieur de Philosophie; Engl. translation appeared in 1963: "The Perception of Causality", London: Methuen).
60 years ago (1956)
- Year commonly accepted as marking the beginning of the cognitive revolution
50 years ago (1966)
- Edwin RAUSCH publishes "Probleme der Metrik", "Das Eigenschaftsproblem in der Gestalttheorie der Wahrnehmung" and "Paradoxien der Identität".
40 years ago (1976)
- 8.7. : Siegmund (Fuchs) FOULKES (1898-1976) dies in London.
- Gaetano KANIZSA publishes "Subjective Contours" (Scientific American, 234, 48-52).
- Joseph de RIVERA publishes "Field Theory as Human-Science. Contributions of Lewin's Berlin Group" (New York: Gardner Press).
30 years ago (1986)
- 25.1. Robert W. LEEPER (1904-1986) dies.
- 28.10. :Ronald LIPPITT (1914-1986) dies.
- 11.11. : Kenower BASH (1913-1986) dies in Zurich.Paolo BOZZI joins the Advisory Board of the journal "Gestalt Theory".
- Wolfgang STADLER and Heinrich CRABUS publish Wolfgang METZGERs "Gestalt-Psychologie. Ausgewählte Werke aus den Jahren 1950 bis 1982" (omnibus volume of selected works): Frankfurt Waldemar Kramer.
20 years ago (1996)
- 20.2. : Solomon ASCH (1907-1996) dies.
- 24.3. : Erna HRUSCHKA (1912-1996) dies.
- 10.7. : Heik PORTELE (1933-1996) dies.
- 12.10. : Paul FRAISSE (1911-1996) dies in Chatenay-Malabry.