People in Musicology related to Gestalt Theory
On this page you find people both from Gestalt theory history who contributed to musicology and modern musicologists who are referring to Gestalt theory in their work in musicology today. This list is work in progress - for most entries just one main bibliographical reference is given for the time being. For additional information please have a look at our Gestalt Theory and Musicology Bibliography.
People from the pioneer periods of Gestalt theory application in musicology
Ehrenfels, Christian Freiherr von (1859-1932)
"Über Gestaltqualitäten" ("On Gestalt-qualities"), in: Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, Jg. 14 (1890). | Wikipedia entry on Ehrenfels
Hornbostel, Erich M. von (1877-1935)
"The Unity of the Senses" Engl. transl. of "Die Einheit der Sinne" [Melos (Zeitschrift für Musik), 4 (1925), 290-297] , Psyche, 7, 83-89. | Wikipedia entry on Horbostel
People in modern musicology
Camurri, Antonio. Cognitive Musicology. Italy. | 1999. Gestalt-Based Composition and Performance in Multimodal Environments. Music, Gestalt, and Computing. Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology. (Ed. Leman 1997). Springer-Verlag.
Cogan, Robert. Cognitive Musicology. USA. |1984. New Images of Musical Sound. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Gardner, Howard. Cognitive and Educational Psychology. USA. | 1987. The mind's new science: a history of the cognitive revolution. New York.
Godoy, Rolf. Musicology. Norway. | 2001. (Ed.) Musical Imagery. The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger B.V.
Laske, Otto. Cognitive Science. Finland. | 1988. Music, Memory and Thought: Explorations in Cognitive Musicology. Ann Arbor, MI: University Research Press.
Leman, Marc. Cognitive Musicology. Belgium. | 1997 (Ed.) Music, Gestalt, and Computing. Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology; Springer-Verlag.
Louhivuori, Jukka. Cognitive Musicology, Finland. | 1999 (Ed.) Cognitive Musicology. [Kognitiivinen musiikkitiede]. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopiston musiikkitieteen laitoksen julkaisusarja A: tutkielmia ja raportteja 8.
Reybrouck, Mark. Musicology. Belgium. | 1997. Gestalt Concepts and Music: Limitations and Possibilities. In Music, Gestalt, and Computing. Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology. (Ed. Leman 1997). Springer-Verlag.
Schneider, Albrecht. Musicology, Hamburg/Germany. | 1997. "Verschmelzung", Tonal Fusion, and Consonance, Carl Stumpf Revisited. In: Music, Gestalt, and Computing. Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology. (Ed. Leman 1997). Springer-Verlag.
Sloboda, John A. Music Psychology. United Kingdom. | 1987. The Musical Mind: the Cognitive Psychology of Music. UK: Oxford.
Weber, Michael. Musicology, Vienna. | 1999. Empiricism, Gestalt Qualities, and Determination of Style: Some Remarks Concerning the Relationship of Guido Adler to Richard Wallaschek, Alexius Meinong, Christian von Ehrenfels, and Robert Lach. In Music, Gestalt, and Computing. Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology. (Ed. Leman 1997). Springer-Verlag.